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Multimedia Exhibition at the National Library

Multimedia Exhibition at the National Library
Corporate Portrait
I invite you to visit the multimedia exhibition
Development and importance of the Commissioner's institution for information of public importance and personal data protection.
My contribution to the exhibition is a series of photographs of employees, brought from the idea to show people behind the institution.
In addition, through audio and visual content visitors will be able to get to know more about the work and activities of the Commissioner, which is presented in an interesting and understandable way.
The exhibition will be opened at the atrium of the National Library of Serbia, Skerliceva 1, on Monday, May 28th at 18:00.
Corporate Portrait

What's cooking?

Conference on the Commissioner as a multimedia exhibition event. This exhibition represents the work and importance of the Commissioner's institution. Portraits and employee groups are shown in my photos.


The exhibition is held in the atrium of the National Library of Serbia. It is the largest library and the oldest institution in Serbia, located near the St. Sava Temple in Belgrade. Address: Skerliceva 1, Belgrade


The opening ceremony is on May 28 at 6 pm and you will be able to visit the exhibition until June 2, 2018. Working hours of the National Library: Monday-Friday 8: 00-19: 00 Saturday from 8am to 3pm


The weather is sunny and pleasant and I do not see why you would not take a stroll around the beautiful park near the library and come across to see the exhibition. After all, never allow clouds to spoil your plans!

Portrait of Rodoljub SabicCorporate Portrait

In addition to my photos there you will be able to view even more interesting content and gain insight into the work of the institution. Visit the exhibition and let me know your impressions!

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